Confidence is Beautiful....... (-:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Because i want to spend more time with you

Bila anak-anak dah pandai bercakap, semua benda atau perkara yg berlaku kat rumah akan keluar dari mulut mereka secara spontan. Its happen to me 😄
Aryan cerita kat Ummi (a.k.a babysitter) pasal dia ikut mummy daddy soping barang dapur. The conversation is like this (im sure coz Ummi did text me after the conversation 😁😆):
Aryan: aryan jalan dgn mummy daddy. Beli barang.
Ummi: mummy beli apa?
Aryan: mummy beli mango byk. Mummy bli pisang. Carrot.
Ummi: itu je?? Mummy tak beli ayam, ikan?
Aryan: takde ummi. Mummy bli mango je.
Ummi: aik.. habis tu aryan makan apa? Mummy tak masak?
Aryan: mummy tak masak. Aryan makan nasi kat rumah Ummi.
Ummi: 😄😃
.. nampak buruk je mummy jadinya. Hahah. My little hero yg penuh drama..
To aryan, bukan mummy taknak masak. Memasak perlukan masa. Sepatutnya sekejap tapi still mummy kena beri perhatian dan feedback bila aryan alisha bercakap dan tanya macam2. Oleh itu, atas keizinan Daddy Aryan, weekdays tak payah masak. Dan tujuan keputusan itu di buat...
Kepada ibu2 d luar sana yg bekerja, balik rumah sediakan makanan pastu urus hal sekolah anak2, saya respect kalian 😊

Monday, December 15, 2014

New Resolution for me

My last post was a year ago. Im expecting myself to better than what i am now. Searching for new resolution that will help me grow better as a muslim.. a wife..a mother.. a daughter.. a geologist..

I will share about it later 😄

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bila rumah hampir dimasuki pencuri

23 Oct 2013.. Sekitar pukul 4.30am ke 6.00am. Bangun tuk susukan Alisha. Sambil mata duk terlelap dan kepala tersengguk2.kedengaran bunyi pintu di tolak. Dum..dum..dum..dlm pada itu hujan sedang trun diikuti oleh tiupan angin.sangka ku itu bunyi pintu d tiup angin. Ku biarkan saja bunyi pintu itu.selang 15-20minit,Aryan bangun minta susu. Ku suruh sabar. Konpem la ank bujang aku takkan diam kn.trus saja dia menjerit "mummyyy!! Nen..nen..nen.." ku letakkn alisha dan terus memeluk aryan.saat itu tdk kedengaran lagi bunyi pintu.mgkn hujan sdh berenti. Ku susukn Aryan.langsung aku pun ikut lena. Pukul 7am,bangun dan terus ke blik air tuk mandi.keluar dr blik air,ku lihat suami yg hanya memakai boxer sedang bersila d ruang tamu langsung dia berkata dgn nada serius "ada pencuri cuba pecah masuk rumah.subuh tadi.gril dah terbuka". Dan aku tergamam. Katanya jiran sebelah ketuk pintu tanya kalau2 mlm td kitorg mmg x kunci pintu ke.rupanya,gril jiran sebelah tu pun dah d kopak pencuri.. Huhuhu.. Risau tak terhingga!! Rupanya bunyi yg ku dgr itu adlh cubaan pencuri yg cuba tuk pecahkn pintu. Dan rasanya pencuri tu x teruskn niatnya sbb dgr suara aryan menjerit. Hikmah anak menyusu badan. Kepada pencuri tersebut...laki aku tanya apa kriteria yg ko lihat bila nk pecah masuk rmh org. Ku menyewa kt flat kot.effortnya la ko wahai pencuri..sanggup naik tangga smpi tingkat 3.subhanallah.. Kitorg nmpk mcm kaya ke? Rumah i takde sofa pun.kitorg still tgk TV kotak kot... Itulah persoalan dr suami ku.isk..isk.. Tak pasal2 kitorg kena tukar pintu ye.solid wood pulak tu.rumah sewa je pon.rumah yg aku bli (tgh renovate) pun x guna pintu solid wood.. Sekian.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Now, im a mother of 2 child

long time i leave my blog without any update... very busy with work, my son, hubby and housework. too busy with life. not even realize that i was pregnant of my second child. only realized about it after Raya 2012 in August. during that time my pregnancy is about 24weeks. im in SHOCK!!! but hubby said its REZEKI  from Allah SWT. accepted with no regrets. i delivered the lil princess at PrinceCourt MC.same day like her brother which is on Wednesday. 9th Jan 2013 at 1.25pm exactly after Zuhur azan. She only got her name after 9days. Introducing my princess Alisha Qaisara

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Friday, June 1, 2012

what u do when ur lil one is sulking?

it was a lovely motherhood journey. there is time where i came home late and it give big impact to my lil Aryan feeding schedule. its only about 30minutes late than always. his looking at me without smile. then crying. i want to breastfeed him coz i know he's hungry.

And guess what he do?? he push my breast away but still want me to hug him.his hungry but dont want to breastfeed. i try again,still he push my body. im so down and sad... but i keep think positive.just believe that Allah s.w.t will help. alhamdulillah.... after 1week aryan know where to find his milk when i hug him.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

5months being a mother

halloooo people..and hi to my own page.

its being a long time since my last post on february 2012. now i back to the office and totally dont hv free time to write. or is it because i dont manage my time well??

my lil Aryan is going to be 5months old tomorrow 7May at 12.36pm :-)

currently he being busy to start crawling,more baby talk, putting things into his mouth. by 6months,he can start eat solid foods.

Now mommy need to survey type of solid food for Aryan. Since i cannot sleep,lets do the surveying :-P hihi...

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to The World Shah Aryan Rizqin

I delivered a baby boy on 7th Dec 2011, Wednesday, 12:36 pm at Prince Court Medical Centre,KL. Admit to hospital on Tuesday at 9.30pm, my gynae said servic already open about 1.5cm but yet, i dont feel any pain or contraction for laboring.. They put the induce "tablet" and let me rest for that night.
Next morning, wake up n cleaning myself. Direct go to the labor room with my lovely hubby. Gynae came n check. Only open to 3cm. They put the machine for monitoring the contraction and baby heartbeat. Guess what??? the contraction level is high (above 100), yet i still dont feel any pain. they put a drip (tak tau apa nk pgl, nurse sebut drip je..hehe) into me trough my left will increase the contraction level to fasten the opening of servic. And the consequence is..... i will feel the pain which is much more pain then the 'falls alarm'..
oh YESSSSSS... it so painful.. the pain start at 8.30am and i only can hold it until 10.30am when i ask my husband to look under the blanket..and he said, "darah.....mcm mna ni.." hehe.. i asked him to call the nurse.. and they said the opening already 7cm..
Its time to push the baby.....
gynae came and the baby is out.. its only take me about 4hours to stay in the labor room.and without using any painkiller.gynae and nurse keep sying that im a strong woman..WOWW!! .. im Proud of myself... and my hubby who really helpful during the labor u dear..
kat bawah ni picture baby sya.. hihihihi.. Welcome to the World Shah Aryan Rizqin............ *("-")*
*just came out from the womb*

*daddy take picture of you baby*

*its your daddy my lil prince*

*here you are at 4 days of life*